Hospital CIMA Barcelona

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Cardiology Department

Cardiology is the branch of medicine that deals with conditions of the heart and the circulatory system. Its purpose is the study, treatment and diagnosis of heart diseases.


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The stress test consists in the completion of physical exercise on a treadmill while monitoring the heart rate and arterial pressure and checking the respiratory capacity at maximum effort.

In order to cover all your healthcare needs, we place a wide range of services that complement the portfolio offered by the hospital at your disposal.

Whether you have a Sanitas policy or not, call (+34) 935 522 700.

This is an essential diagnostic test because it offers a moving image of the heart by means of ultrasounds.

In order to cover all your healthcare needs, we place a wide range of services that complement the portfolio offered by the hospital at your disposal.

Whether you have a Sanitas policy or not, call (+34) 935 522 700.

This test makes it possible to study the morphology and of the different cardiac structures (chambers, global and segmental contractility, heart valves, pericardium, etc.).

In order to cover all your healthcare needs, we place a wide range of services that complement the portfolio offered by the hospital at your disposal.

Whether you have a Sanitas policy or not, call (+34) 935 522 700.

Diagnostic technique using ultrasound waves to obtain images of the heart. 

In order to cover all your healthcare needs, we place a wide range of services that complement the portfolio offered by the hospital at your disposal.

Whether you have a Sanitas policy or not, call (+34) 935 522 700.

Monitors the electrical activity of the heart continuously over 24 hours. It is very useful in the study of arrhythmias (tachycardia and bradycardia) in patients with and without palpitations. 

In order to cover all your healthcare needs, we place a wide range of services that complement the portfolio offered by the hospital at your disposal.

Whether you have a Sanitas policy or not, call (+34) 935 522 700.

This is currently the method of choice for the diagnosis and monitoring of patients with arterial hypertension, also permitting optimum adjustment of the pharmacological treatment. It is a non-invasive method performed as a day hospital procedure. 

In order to cover all your healthcare needs, we place a wide range of services that complement the portfolio offered by the hospital at your disposal.

Whether you have a Sanitas policy or not, call (+34) 935 522 700.

In order to cover all your healthcare needs, we place a wide range of services that complement the portfolio offered by the hospital at your disposal.

Whether you have a Sanitas policy or not, call (+34) 935 522 700.

This invasive procedure provides information on multiple haemodynamic parameters in patients with valvular heart disease, congenital heart disease, etc., invaluable when making therapy decisions. Additionally, it makes it possible directly to treat conditions such as mitral stenosis by means of a valvuloplasty or percutaneous closure of the atrial defect, avoiding, in both cases, the patient having to undergo surgery.

The coronariography is today the gold standard in the study of the coronary arteries. It makes it possible to assess the anatomy, the existence of obstructions and to treat them by the fitting of endo-vascular prosthesis (stents). Furthermore, it is the treatment of choice in acute myocardial infarction by means of primary angioplasty, a procedure carried out at the time of the infarction and which consists in opening the artery responsible.

In order to cover all your healthcare needs, we place a wide range of services that complement the portfolio offered by the hospital at your disposal.

Whether you have a Sanitas policy or not, call (+34) 935 522 700.

In order to cover all your healthcare needs, we place a wide range of services that complement the portfolio offered by the hospital at your disposal.

Whether you have a Sanitas policy or not, call (+34) 935 522 700.

This technique is very useful for re-establishing the normal rhythm of the heart in some types of arrhythmias. It consists in administering an electric shock under sedation and is performed as a day hospital procedure. This procedure is performed tly with the professional from the Intensive Care Unit at the centre.

In order to cover all your healthcare needs, we place a wide range of services that complement the portfolio offered by the hospital at your disposal.

Whether you have a Sanitas policy or not, call (+34) 935 522 700.

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Sanitas Hospitals, maximum quality accreditation QH

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